Level 8 RCM Group

Level 8 RCM Group


Level 8 RCM Group

This Package includes:

• 20 hours of group ONLINE instruction scheduled at your convenience. (Due to Covid-19, in class lessons are not currently available.) – $350 value.
• 1 Year of Unlimited access to the RCM Digital Learning Suite. – $50.00 value
• Access to one final exam to be completed within one year (which will be accessible once finished the course). – $125.00 value

The Celebrate Theory Book must be purchased (purchase is mandatory) from the location you registered with
or ordered online from the RCM website.

Options for group lessons are (to be chosen on registration page):
1. 8 weeks – approx. 2.5 hours per weeks
2. 12 weeks – approx. 1.5 hours per weeks
3. 16 weeks – approx. 75 minutes per week

Total Estimated Time of Completion: approx. 35 – 45 hours.