
Why Take An Arcadia Exam?

Enjoyment through achievement

Earning an Arcadia Academy of Music certificate is a rewarding experience. If you’re working hard to make progress with your music, you need a way to recognize your success and reassurance that you’re on the right track.

Music exams offer:

  • Motivation and inspiration, working from a carefully structured syllabus towards a definite goal
  • A measure of personal progress and attainment against internationally recognised benchmarks
  • An objective guide to improve your musical skills
  • Assessment by a respected and independent musician who’s highly trained and is monitored
  • Performance opportunities and a real sense of achievement

Setting the standards

Arcadia Academy of Music has been giving structure and support and setting standards for over 35 years. During that time, much has been tried, tested and consolidated. We use this wealth of experience for the benefit and guidance of the many thousands who take our exams, knowing that they’re part of one of the most respected and valued systems of music exams in the world.

Bear in mind…

Music exams don’t suit everyone, and exam syllabuses aren’t intended to provide a complete curriculum or choice of repertoire to the exclusion of all other music. We believe that all musicians should explore a wide range of music to stimulate their interest and refresh their outlook.

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